iOS Jailbreak Tweak Development Tips

May 22, 2015


During the time I've spent developing jailbreak tweaks for iOS, I've come across plenty of small things to make my workflow better and make development easier in general. This post is a collection of those, so other developers can benefit as well. Most are probably familiar to experienced developers, but there are new developers learning every day :) .


General Resources





These variables can be entered in a project's makefile.




Apple Service Code Names


Other Tips

Inside in a Prefix.pch file and included in all project files by adding the line PriorityHub_CFLAGS = -include Prefix.pch to the makefile. Then, I can comment out or uncomment the line DEBUG = 1 in the makefile to instantly enable or disable all print statements in Priority Hub.

I hope this is helpful! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or other items to add to the list.